Tuesday December 22, 2009
Just as Saturday morning’s meditation came to an end, Paul looked up and said to me, “You’re going to get some information today from a mother and daughter. Something just told me to tell Mindy…” I imagined it might be my friend Uta who has a baby that had something to tell me, mentioning this to him, he shook his head and said no.
I went alone to the market, leaving Paul in peace, sparing him the mental torture it seems to provoke in him when he goes at my encouragement against his better judgment. Like most other Saturdays, it was full of people with the absence of one friend who’s traveled south for the holidays and the addition of another new face who was shooting film footage of some performers in mime face. Tivani was there as I had hoped so I could make a connection to pick up the keys to the house for Sunday morning’s move. “I’m being interviewed for a documentary at the house at 2:00. Come by if you want and watch the interview and I’ll give you the keys after,” she said.
At two, I walked over to the house just as the camera woman pulled up with another woman, before Tivani arrived. I stood to the side, off camera while they filmed the arrival of Tivani and made some preliminary arrangements for the interview. Walking from the gate to the house, Tivani made an offhand comment about a mother and daughter team, which grabbed my attention considering Paul’s words that morning as I learned the interviewer was the mother of the camera woman, who together were making a documentary about the history of Alto Paraiso and the valley of the moon, a retreat center founded by the very same people who were early settlers of High Paradise’s spiritual beginnings. Allowing that revelation to sink in and wondering about the ramifications of information I might receive from them, I sat on the steps to the loft just behind the camera and watched the interview take place. At the end of the shoot, the camera woman questioned me about why I had come to this place, as both her mother, the interviewer and Tivani fell silent to hear my reply. Intrigued by my answer, the interviewer asked me if she could return to interview me for the documentary to represent the new people coming here and what’s next for this place. I was tickled to hear her say that she was off the next day to film Cidade Ecletica for further footage, which had me feel a real sense of connection to the events transpiring in my experience of Brazil thus far – a confirmation that I am indeed in exactly the place I am meant to be in this moment in time.
This vision Paul had and the knowing of its significance is a relatively new thing for him. It’s happened once or twice in his life, but the occurrences of this are increasing. Like seeing the rock quarry a few days before we went to Pirenopolis where he saw the very quarry he’d seen in his vision. I too am occasionally having visions of identifiable places every now and then. Most recently I saw a very distinct vertical rock wall. A day or two afterwards we went for a long drive to explore the area and I kept thinking I was seeing the very one I saw in that vision, but we saw many similar cliffs that day and every now and then I see others. I was sure it represented where we would live….. These formations are not common closer to town.
So now it’s Tuesday. We have been enjoying this magical place we have moved into since Sunday. Yesterday we sat on the back porch which overlooks a part of the valley with scrub and smaller trees, leaving a large open portion of the sky visible to watch the birds as they fly long distances between the tall trees. From here we can see the huge eucalyptus tree where all the parrots sleep at night, near our former house. Just beyond the fenced part of our new yard is another very tall tree about forty feet tall which serves as a landing place for the same birds who fly across the valley from the top of one tall tree to another. This tree is not as fully branched and leafed, making it easier to watch the birds as they land and rest before moving on. We had a toucan family come and stay for a while late yesterday afternoon, just before dusk. After a while several others from their community came by to get them and they headed off out of view. Two very large green parrots came by for a short while after they left. Earlier in the day I watched as a species of bird I do not recognize, which has quite a long sleek kite like tail, tipped in bright yellow on an otherwise deeply black feathered body, joined several of its mates enjoying the other smaller trees in our yard. But even more unusual and equally as delightful is a very strangely funnel shaped insect hive that hangs from the underside of the roof, just off the porch where we sit. It is actually shaped like a pastry bag that you squeeze icing out of to decorate a cake, with a long narrow funnel like tube descending from the bag. All around the outside small black insects move about attending to whatever it is they do. Every now and then, though, a very strange sound emerges which sounds as if the insects are moving as a morphic field in unison, creating a mechanical, robot sounding hum as if all body parts of each were moving in tandem like a well choreographed dance line at Radio City music hall.
It’s quieter here in this valley, though we can still hear the sounds of town, particularly the cement mixer that’s being used in construction not too far away and the occasional barking dog. And then there are those cars, so common all over South and Central America, that have enormous speakers and drive around with paid advertisements and REALLY LOUD music…….We can still hear them, even though they can no longer get very close. The road in is a bit trepidatious and only used by 2 other houses
Several days later…..
Saturday December 26, 2009
Hello dear friends and loved ones. We hope that your Christmas festivities were satisfactory and enjoyable. We had the perfect day, sleeping in, then alternating our time between sitting on our porch watching birds and watching google videos throughout the day and late into the evening. Dusk comes now after eight o clock here in the southern hemisphere where we are close to the longest day of the year with the summer solstice only 5 days ago. It was a really peaceful day. The usual noise that drifts into the valley from town was subdued as families joined together to celebrate Natal. The air was fresher than I remember since the day I stepped out of “Betty,” our conversion van, in Nova Scotia near Kejimkujic and I noticed air for the 1st time in my life! There’s a noticeable absence here of chem trails and the air is most definitely fresh and clean here in the chapada so far away from any industry or cities filled with the exhaust of automobile engines. The most annoying thing here in this part of Brazil is the sound of the weed whacker motor, which is what most people use to cut their grass down in the absence of lawn mowers. One guy with a whacker starts at one end of the street and day by day makes his way down from one yard to the next. We actually have an electric lawn mower in the laundry room which I am gearing up to use one day soon.
So we are settling into this new place and are feeling quite good about being here. From the house you really can’t tell you’re close to town as you look around and see only open space, mountains and the back of one or two other houses. Our biggest news is that we will welcome into our life our friend, a young Argentinean woman of thirty five and her 19 month old daughter. Since we have a very large house, we have offered for them to come and stay here with us. We have often talked of wanting to help others and now we will be put to the test to see if our ability to share our private space which we hold sacred, will flow easily or be confronting. It is time now on the planet to put our principles which formally existed in thought only into practice and into action. I have not lived communally in any form other than with my own family for many years and the thought of it excites me with possibility. To see if I can let go of needing to have control over my environment, and in particular from an aesthetic standpoint, will be an interesting thing to observe.
This sense of aesthetics is a compulsory feature of my personality. It is quite amusing for me to watch Mindy as she obsesses over the placement of every object in a room so that it visually is in harmony. For two days after I moved into the house I couldn’t take my attention off a desk which sat in the wrong place in the room. I moved it from place to place looking for the “right” spot for it where I felt it “belonged.” It conflicted with the lines of the room where an open floor plan cried out for uncluttered space to enjoy the curved alcoves and windows to the view of the mountains outside. Eventually I moved it to a downstairs room, engineering the movement by myself of a heavy object to a difficult location. Paul couldn’t help me because of a bad back, nor would he have cared to exert the energy when he felt it was fine where it was. This is simply an illustration of where my attention focuses when I can not keep it under control. In my environment, everything must be beautiful and in harmony. It is really one of the few things that remain of my Enneagram type fixation. But I accept it and work with it to keep it from being a source of irritation. It’s easier when there’s fewer people involved. Years ago when I lived with my four children and former husband, it was a constant source of irritation for me- a pair of size 15 shoes left in the middle of a room could drive me to distraction! So again I will experience piles of toys and shoes in the middle of the room and be given a new opportunity to go with the flow and not let the little things ruffle my feathers……
New Information
As we expected, now that we are closing in on the end of 2009, we are coming in to some new information. Paul scans constantly to know more about events transpiring around the globe. It is the most compelling of all our activities, to know everything we can know about the agenda of the ruling forces. I don’t know if any of you have been following the breaking news of what is being called “Climate Gate” and the fraudulent conspiracy of global warming…. This was hard for me to accept at first – what do you mean there is no global warming? But what about this and what about that, I wanted to know? All to impose huge carbon taxes on developing nations to bankrupt them….. Well not only that…. But now, more news that changes everything. It’s too soon for me to write coherently about what I am learning but once again I am faced with the thought “….everything I thought I knew and understood was a lie.” The key piece to the puzzle which connected the dots of the big picture for us was the “extra terrestrial” element. The inter breeding of alien life forms with humans since the beginning of known history, our origins….. So much more and so much that explains how the blood lines of the 13 ruling families could commit such inhumane atrocities. Well now we are getting new information that the “story” we have been uncovering is being manipulated by the Illuminati to have some of us believe in a scenario that isn’t entirely true. The “Disclosure Project” for instance was deliberately controlled mis-information. It seems there are not and have never been any extra terrestrial life forms, what we thought aliens were. There are indeed inter-dimensional life forms and have always been. We can not generally see into the dimension in which they exist but they are here with us. I can not say more now because it makes me look like an idiot, something I’m getting quite used to actually, but I usually wait to divulge information like this until I have some certainty that I know what I’m talking about and can give back up sources and references. Now I can only say that if you are at all interested you can do your own research into this avenue of information. Google things like: UFO’s, illuminati, Conspiritus Remake, William (Bill) Cooper, Phillip Schneider, MJ12….
All we know with any certainty or probability, is the agenda will likely include some staged event involving UFO’s and aliens. At first they will likely be introduced into public awareness as simply existing and eventually there could be some grand show. There may even be the notion that these are beneficent beings here to help. Seems most unlikely but some twist of fate will have them become malevolent with the only power to protect the citizens of the world a united one world government banded together to fight the greatest threat to mankind. Thus centralized control. It seems more likely that first there will be a great war in the Middle East involving nuclear armaments. And even more likely before that or simultaneously a total economic collapse, starvation and catastrophic disease – loss of many lives…. But first a false sense of economic recovery to take everyone off guard. Sounds absolutely horrible! Please let everything I just said be untrue. Actually I think we’ve done an outstanding job of diverting that business with mandatory flu shots (and the subsequent inoculations of hidden microchips) because enough people were hip to the plan, it couldn’t be carried out as it was intended. This can continue to happen with all their agendas if more people consider these notions to have some basis in truth and intentionality and take actions to reclaim their sovereignty. If we can unhook from the accepted norms, think deeply about everything, question what we’ve usually taken for granted and accepted without question, we have a chance to experience a more expanded awareness of life. First thing to do, if you haven’t already, and if you have any desire to expand your awareness, is to TURN OFF YOUR TV. Get unhooked from the hypnotic trance of mind control techniques. That is the WORST. Even televised sports events are working their magic (black magic) on you. Of course don’t take my word for it. Pull up a Google Video page and search mind control…..
I’ve felt it do its dirty deed on me. A year ago I spent a night in a hotel room and put the TV on to see what was being broadcast. It wasn’t long before the remote control in Paul’s hand was swiftly coursing through the available channels, searching for something that didn’t bore or irritate us. After three or four times around the channels I noticed we were both so plugged in we were getting frantic to find a channel that we could relax into and enjoy. Something made me grab the remote from his hand and turn the TV off. We both exhaled and realized we were magnetically being sucked into that TV and its vibration and it took a real effort to break the spell.
Last time I was in the States I went to a sports bar with my parents for dinner. In a place like that there are multiple TVs on every wall; you can not change direction without a direct view of a monitor. Everyone has to shout over the back ground noise to have any kind of conversation and even then, inevitably the person who you are talking to has their attention diverted to something on the screen. But there is a “fix” that people get from the vibration of the TV. It calms them down to hear the background sound of the TV, even if their attention is not focused on it. My dear mother for example doesn’t like to spend too much time away from checking in to see what’s going on. It acts as a stabilizer for her worldview and is a source of comfort. Many people knowingly use it as a way to relax and unwind from a hectic day. But I think it’s an addiction. My opinion…..
I hope you are still reading and haven’t given up on me and classified me as a certifiable kook. I’m not criticizing your lifestyle or saying anything you do or believe is wrong or misguided- maybe it is or maybe it isn’t….. I may be challenging some of your constructs – but maybe that is my job – to disturb the comfort zone and comfort the disturbance. For whatever reason I appear to possibly be doing that, you know I do it with love.
Monday December 28, 2009
Woke up this morning to the sound of Olivia’s voice happily beginning her day in her new house. First thing she said, her mother told us, was “Paul…..Paul….Paul…..” She adores him!
Rocket is in heaven because one of her favorite activities is feeding him. And he is getting to look like a butterball turkey – a round puntable football shape with legs. It will be difficult for Paul but we are determined to feed him less and slim him down so that he can nibble throughout the day and cultivate his new relationship with Olivia. At first it is taking the form of sibling rivalry as he competes for Paul’s attention with Olivia. Too funny!
A few days ago, we were given the okay to look through the books which belong to the man whose house we are living in and found much to our delight a book by Ianto Evans on building cob houses – The Hand Sculpted House. It’s just perfect as we have read his book on building small houses and knew about building with cob, but not how to do it. Now one of the things we most look forward to is getting a chance to read this book and learn how to use these techniques as we go about designing the house we want to build. Here in the chapada it is very apparent that people do not build with wood. Adobe is the material most commonly seen. With so much of the country’s trees harvested or burnt down to make way for pasture land to graze cows, it feels entirely wrong to even consider taking down a tree when so much effort is going into reforestation. (And there are ninety different species of termites competing for the wood.) So different from Vermont where there were so many trees and it was the natural choice for building materials. Here we have been shown how houses are constructed with adobe bricks which were made from the very earth the house sits upon at no expense other than the energy exerted to mix the soil and fill the brick shaped form. But time here is different from time there. I know this sounds erroneous, but time as you know is just a construct. In the US and many other places in the Western world people hold the notion that time is money. You have to charge for your time. Time is valuable. All your time must be used wisely. I could go on for a while with phrases that express our relationship to time and say much about how we approach life. It’s different here. Those same phrases aren’t necessarily thrown about off handedly without consideration. Probably there is a more natural relationship to time, in terms of sun light and moon light, dry or wet…… I’m still groking with it. I’ll let you know more later……
But speaking of time, let me just say a few words about night time here in this most bizarre of places we have landed for the time being. (There’s that word again) There seems to be another world that comes alive as the sun sets and darkness emerges. We have always felt something different about the night time here in Brazil. As if this is the land of the moon and there in the Northern hemisphere it was the land of the sun. I know I’ve mentioned this before. People start to think about eating dinner after 8 pm. If you are planning on an evening out or want to go listen to music or go to a party, it’s best to wait till after 10; midnight if you want to arrive when things are really happening. Maybe this is true there too if you are under forty? For a long time, eight at night was closing in on my bed time. (Man, I really give away my age when I admit to that!) For the first few nights we were here in this new house when darkness came we were thinking about locking the gate and all the doors and windows to be a little safer. I wasn’t going to tell this story but I will since it might help to explain why we felt this way. As you know I had my computer stolen, which made me more aware of the criminal element here. Seems we have a problem with crack heads among some of the town’s youth. Well just a few days after that happened, we were told about a woman who was murdered by her gardener. She lived quite close to the neighborhood where we stay. It was a gruesome murder and what was left of her body was discovered stuffed into her fireplace. Didn’t make us feel very safe and secure anymore knowing that. So darkness falls and we retreat to the inside behind closed and locked windows and doors. But, everywhere in the world, there are crazy crack heads who commit violent and insane atrocities, even on the street I grew up on as a young child. Well, I’ve been a little on edge since I heard that story – not my usual trusting open self. The other night though was a bit brighter under the 1st quarter moon with no heavy cloud cover. Though the gate was locked, we left the glass double doors that lead to the porch open and sat out enjoying the night time breeze and the stars. It helped loosen the fear that has been holding me lately and allowed me to relax into the wonders of nighttime in Brazil. But this place is quite bizarre with its array of musical activities and sacred gatherings. Sometimes there are drumming groups and we know, though we haven’t attended one yet that there are several Ayahuasca churches who hold ceremonial rituals during the night. We often think we can hear them. The music is quite different. What we’ve been told by some is that the songs are given to people during the experience to be written and replayed for others. They contain sacred wisdom which changes you from a cellular level. Now no one actually told me that, but I happen to believe that can be true. Often at night we lie in our bed falling asleep to some music which lasts until dawn. At first it was disquieting and a little creepy, but now we are getting used to it. We will be happy though to move further from town where the night time sounds will be provided only by weather events and wildlife.
Well my dear friends and loved ones, this is as good a place as any to bring this newsletter to a close. Enjoy this last week of 2009. Paul joins me in sending our love….