October 9, 2013
It seems long past time to chronicle what’s been happening in my life and from my perspective here on planet earth. So many changes! I do love to write and yet it’s been months and months since undertaking that effort. It seems I went through some sort of metamorphous in regard to making public my inner thoughts. With the world wide web as my forum, I think I became wary of exposing what I was thinking so publicly, now that the web has been exposed as a spyware tool for the controlling elites. But so be it, they have lost their power of control over me as I no longer acknowledge any authority above my own sense of what’s right. That said, a quick review.
While I won’t reveal my exact whereabouts, I will say that since last posting I have moved and though I’ve been in this location for 10 months now, I feel an imminent change brewing. At the time of my last move nearly a year ago December, Paul was quite seriously ill. We were living in our own little mini paradise on the edge of town in a corner of a small community of 5 homes tucked behind high walls. There we’d made ourselves quite at home thinking we could stay as long as we’d like, so we brought home 7 hens, or so we thought, from the animal market and built them a high rise bamboo tiki hut behind our garden. Turned out 2 of our hens were roosters, but it’s so hard to tell when they’re not much more than 4 inch balls of fluff. Anyway, forgive me for getting lost in the details, but one afternoon the phone rang asking for permission to see the house. Two days later another call came to say our house was sold and we would need to leave. Shocking us out of our peaceful reverie, we had to mobilize. As luck would have it, the Way stepped in and located us an even more perfect home on the outskirts of town at the edge of a Kichwa village. There on a small farm with 2 other small cottages, was an abandoned, dare I say Italian style villa, just waiting for our energy to be brought back to life. I proceeded to dig up the plants in my garden and move my very ill husband, my chickens (less one rooster who got donated to the neighbors) and transplant all of us to our new home. It didn’t come free from drama, but I won’t elaborate on that right now. Suffice it to say that the drama escalated to a point at which the family who was here at the time we moved in, left, leaving one cottage empty, but the absentee owner who comes and goes, comes more frequently now.
Many months later, 11 to be exact, we are as much at home here as we’ve been anywhere. Our original 6 chickens have become 20 and are now sharing their yard with 3 ducks. Paul has recovered from that long illness, the garden has been harvested and replanted 3 or 4 times since and life goes on from this mostly tranquil location. I say mostly, because our neighbors, these wonderful kichwa indians, do love their all night dancing parties.
So our personal life has been good, though that incredible sense of gratitude we were feeling has gradually diminished. Too bad, really, because that was quite wonderfully remarkable. Still when we compare our life here to the life we lived and the lives our families and friends are living in the US, we remember that while we are not feeling that overwhelming sense of daily gratitude, we should be. Granted we are old enough to be retired and receiving back some of that money paid into the social security system, we still would have found a way to opt out and not comply with that life we left behind. A despicable life in our opinion. One devoted to full time survival in a world where there is never enough.
October 23, 2013
This seems to be the way of things for me now.....time slips away and although I start writing with the best of intentions to complete a full entry, I do seem to be called away to something else before finishing. It’s 2 weeks since beginning. Well our attention is focused on other things. Mainly we are concerned that we need to find a new place to live. The owner of the farm and house which we rent for close to a year now, made it clear from the beginning that one day he would likely ask us to leave so that he could move his in-laws in, should the system collapse. Well as some of you may realize, the system is in imminent danger of collapsing. How horrible would it be (for us) to find ourselves homeless in a time at which chaos roams rampant with the collapse of government (that wont come soon enough from our perspective) and the monetary systems which rules all. Now for us, this would be a dream come true, however many hardships this creates during the transition. Everything in our world has been given a monetary value. All life has been converted to commerce. A person can not be born on the planet without having to devote their existence to “making a living” to survive. It’s time for this to end. We are infinite consciousness here to have an experience within which to grow, not to be a slave to a system which creates more wealth for a few who deem themselves to be so special that they deserve all at the expense of the rest of us solely because of their “pure” bloodlines.
Now I realize that for many people reading these words, it might sound like pure gibberish, because for them, none of this makes any sense. Afterall the programming since birth has been very effective. They think everything is cool with the world. Of course a person is expected to earn a decent living and take care of themselves and their families, should they choose to have one. Their education (so called) since the age of 4 or 5 has taught them so, as has the television programming they’ve watched, the newspapers and magazine journals they’ve read. After all everyone agrees, so they must be right. Everyone, that is, except for these crazy conspiracy theorists who are seemingly mislead. Hah! It’s no theory that there is a global conspiracy to control everyone’s thoughts, actions and emotions so that they (these chosen few) can own and control everything. I know that some people think that all you have to do is work hard, be a little smarter than the rest and you can get ahead. Well, damn it, it’s not about getting ahead! It’s not about competing with your neighbors so you can have more than they do. We’re all in this together and until we all realize that unless everyone around you is doing okay too, than you aren’t.
Look, I’ve been around. I’ve lived in other countries from the one in which I was born and raised. There is NO difference from a person born in South America to one born in North America, or the far or middle east. We are all the same. We all love our babies, want the best for them, enjoy time with friends, get hungry, need sleep, get ill sometimes and eventually die of old age. Why should any of us have more privilege than another. Think about it! Really!
Sorry I got off on a rampage. Let me get back to where I started which was a kind of chronicle of where we’re at. So, we’re looking once again for a new home. We’re back where we started several years ago, feeling that the best way to do this is to find friends who see the world much as we do, who can help each other. Now, however we’re a little older so a few things have changed. We’re not as strong or as healthy as we were when we started thinking about how important community is, but that fact only makes the whole idea even that much more important. Now we’re in a phase of life where having family and friends is the most important. One observation I’ve made is that families in South America where I currently reside are much closer than families in North America. Because of economic necessity, generations of families stay together in the same house or on the same land, building more houses as the children get older and have their own families. Grandparents take care of grandchildren as the parents need to leave home to find work. Not so in the US. Children leave home and go far and wide to find work and have their own families. They rarely return home except for the occasional visit, but even then sometimes not at all because they can’t afford the expense to travel or lose wages from time off from work. It’s sad. In my personal experience, I’ve had to choose to leave my country and leave the ability to watch my grandchildren grow up because each of my children live so far apart and because I can not stand to see what has become of my homeland with it’s cookie cutter cities and towns. For gods sake, you can’t tell one from another anymore now that the UN’s agenda 21 has turned every community into a cardboard, white bread version of the same thing everywhere you go. There’s no more mom and pop establishments; no small business’s showing the diversity and creativity of human consciousness expressing itself. No, instead you have the same choices of where to eat and what to buy everywhere you go because the same dozen (maybe it’s less now) corporations own everything! You are not free to express yourself any differently than the person next to you and if you do, my god, if you do, you will be ostracized....probably burned at the stake for having different ideas....metaphorically, although that practice will probably reinstate itself in my lifetime the way things are going.
I’m ranting again. I can’t help it, there are so many reasons to rant. Well, where was I? Okay so we’re at it again, god damn it, looking for a piece of land to buy.....only this time we have less money than ever because, well you know why....everyone’s in the same boat. It costs money to live and if you are not working because say you are retired or your job options were cut off or whatever reason. Hell even if you’re still working, your dollar buys less than ever. So now more than ever it takes community. We happen to think it’s a very good idea. Why not one well for 3 or 4 families, one internet service, one shared car. Think about it! Why not 3 or 4 families sharing the work of growing the food in the garden, caring for the farm animals who provide eggs and milk. This way we help each other when one of us is sick and needs to be cared for. It makes sense, especially now that our families are spread so far and wide. So we’re looking. We’ve found friends. But we haven’t as yet found land and this puts us on edge because time is short to be prepared for the worse. We can’t tell the future but we suspect that harder times loom in the near future. We have many possible extinction events looming. For example, Fukishima is spewing radiation around the northern hemisphere. This is not speculation or theory of conspiracy, it is a fact, even if your TV news channel isn’t talking about it. The water supplies of several countries around the world are being contaminated because of fracking for natural gas. A disaster! There are cosmic events transpiring that astronomers are watching closely as comet ISON for example moves closer in its orbit to our sun and the earth is predicted to travel though its tail and debris field as soon as this November and December. The sun is sending solar flares that could conceivably take down the power grid world wide. There’s more, but this alone is enough to mention for now. So what’s a knowing, thinking person to do?
For me personally, it’s a challenge to keep a positive attitude from day to day. I like to live my life close to nature. It’s here I find the only peace and comfort from something that is real, without question. I plant my garden, watching the seedlings emerge from the earth, nurturing them as they grow into plants that I can eat and share with those around me. I enjoy having chickens who provide us with eggs and more chicks for more eggs later. I’d have more animals around me if I could, but we keep waiting to have our own place again, hopefully one day soon. It’s too hard to keep moving all of us and our family has grown so much bigger now with 2 dogs, 3 ducks and 20 chickens.
But that’s not all we’re doing. Paul’s writing a book about beliefs. It’s very good and I think very important.He’s a deep thinker and has been watching this experience unfold since he started as a young boy, sitting in the lap of his very wise grandmother. It will help a lot of people reading this book and getting inside the mind of this extraordinary man. He’s making a bi monthly podcast as well, with my help. He writes and explains while I do the technical production and throw in my 2 cents from time to time, hopefully to help clarify the complexity of his thoughts.
That’s our life at the moment. We feel blessed to live among a culture of people we greatly admire. Their culture is mostly intact through centuries of change on the planet. Little by little we get a glimpse of understanding of what it’s really about, but daily we feel the impact of living near people who are still very much connected to the land on which they live which provides their subsistence. They honor her and uphold their long standing traditions of celebration. And they welcome us, sharing all that nature provides.
So my friends, I thank you for allowing me the space to share my thoughts and continue our connection in these troubled times. Know that we are moving towards an expanded state of consciousness. If the grand Yuga cycles the Vedics speak of are true and real, then we are on the ascending arc of expanding consciousness on the long slow way back towards the golden age once again. Take heart.