Thursday November 26, 2009
Alto Paraiso, GO
Dear friends and loved ones,
I’d love to share with you a letter Paul wrote to his sister. After reading the last newsletter and watching David Icke’s interview, Paul’s sister commented that some of the information was a bit scary. I liked Paul’s letter so much, the way in which he details how it is we have come by all the information we now have, information that I so dearly want to share with you, so I thought you would also enjoy reading his letter. I would imagine that for some of you, some of these things are too incredible to believe and you may find yourselves in a number of different ways, whether frightened or angry or disbelieving or some other emotional response and I would like to address that if I may. A few years back I forwarded a link to a video called Zeitgeist to everyone in my family, so impressed was I with its content that I believed everyone needed to know what I had just discovered or rather had explained to me in a way never before done. Some of the responses I got to that were anger that part of their worldview could be so discounted and discredited. In the same light, when some of my family saw a movie Michael Moore produced some years back revealing truths that challenged long held views, they felt betrayed and very upset. It is not an easy thing to realize that everything you thought you knew as truth was a lie and that as a human race we have been deceived.
Please read Paul’s letter and then I shall elaborate further:
I really thank you for being bold enough to watch the David Icke video. He is very knowledgeable - we have read his books and the things he says are backed up with facts. He includes so many facts that his books are long. Not many people are able to open up to the things he knows. Everyone is conditioned to reject what he has to say. Mindy enclosed an article written in 2000 about how conditioning works and why most people must patently reject what he says.
I got into this stuff really because of Grandma Luttrell.
When I was little - say from 4 to 7 years old (I was the first grandchild for her), she would sit me on her lap and read bible prophesy and then read how it was unfolding in the newspaper. She wanted me to know that I would likely live to see a great ending of times. Now, she was decidedly Christian and her prophesy involved the typical taking up of the righteous and the punishing of the unbelievers. She was an incredibly bright woman - but no chance to get an education. She was deeply into metaphysics and was aware of Edgar Cayse and other modern day prophets. She watched Kathryn Kulman - who was a faith healer. Grandma once watched Kathryn melt a goiter from a woman's neck in a live meeting. I also saw copies of Psychology Today on her coffee table. She was an avid magazine reader.
Mom didn't like Grandma influencing me because she only saw the negative stuff - the hell fire and brimstone. Mom was raised in a rough environment. Although her parents loved her very much, she had a father with a short fuse and a mother who wanted her to be a good girl (which she was unquestionably)
So, in my young years, I became focused upon becoming a preacher and grew an avid interest in metaphysics (the overarching concepts that make the universe work)
After a while, the inconsistencies in the Christian religion caused me to realize that it was doing as much harm to people as it did good. In my teen age years, I set off to find out truth. I figured that if I could find out what was the same about all of the religions - that would be a truth. In my reading and other influences, I discovered Pantheism when I was about 16. It is the doctrine of minds within in a universal mind. In other words, we all have a mind that makes us a person, and are joined together in a collective intellect which I will call human consciousness and that is contained in universal consciousness which contains all that is.
When I came home anxious to tell mom and dad about what I had learned - they became very angry.
I then realized that not everyone wants to know the truth, and that the truth can be very threatening.
Fast forward to the relatively recent.
I needed to get a Ph.D. in psychology, but had no interest in psychology (psychologists professionally label people as having different pathologies and then make a fortune out of either prescribing drugs or talking to them). I don't believe in pathologies, only different paths. So when I discovered that I could do a degree and take only metaphysical topics (death and dying, Eastern psychologies, shamanism, and other courses) I was happy as a pig in merde.
I learned a hell of a lot about what people believed and knowledge that was kept from people to save religions and the level of ignorance that the rulers (illuminati) think they need to maintain control. For example, a lot is known about consciousness after death. But if you talk to someone they will tell you that nobody knows. Not true there are many books written, you just must open your mind and heart to what is out there.
Anyhow, about this time Min and I became Sufis.
They believe that all religions are valid and that the core belief in all religions is truth (does that sound familiar to my original intention earlier in this e-Mail?)
Well, in our Sufi practice we would chant daily and then meditate. Min and I got different things to chant. Min asked for a chant that would give her a spiritual leader or a guru. I asked that my eyes be open to what was going on (to see what my Grandma wanted me to know about).
So we chanted for a year - Min to find a guru and me to see the truth.
Then we moved to Vermont.
At that point we started getting all manner of information about the true nature of the universe. (It wasn't pretty, but I only asked for truth)
We found out about the other beings that occupy this planet and their intentions. No matter where the information would come from - videos, books, personal visions, courses with the enlightened - all the information said the same thing. And our information continues to grow and become more detailed.
Well that put us in a hell of a state. We knew things that nobody else would ever think of believing - and the worst part of it we knew it to be the truth.
We could no longer talk about politics because we knew it was a sham. We couldn't talk about religion, because we know the being who started them and who profits from them. We wanted to help people understand what was happening, but everyone thought we were nuts.
In this process of unfolding we got a chance to use ayahuasca in Brazil. We thought it would open our eyes further (it worked for Mindy and she learned a lot) for me it was disappointing, but I know why and I would love to have the courage to face what it showed me - but I am just a little weenie right now and have to pull myself together and get rid of some of the shit that ayahuasca wants me to expel.
Anyhow, many of the people in Brazil are involved in the same quest as us. They are spiritually inclined. Many people see what we see. Finally, we could talk to people. That is why we are in Brazil - we are not nuts here.
Now, Mindy will not stop until she wakes people up and she uses the newsletter (as I do with my articles) to make people aware of the true reality of what is what.
We do it not to scare people, but to wake them up. If enough people wake up, the horror story stops and people come together and expel the force that is out to cause suffering and death. I think that if I were in danger, I would like to have the lights on so I could see the monster, get out of its way or know about its weapons.
We know who they are, how they think and what they want. We can help people and save many lives.
So, you now know a little glimpse. Granted it is repugnant and you want to close your eyes and no one else will believe you (except Stephen - he is more advanced on a consciousness level and will be able to see more than most). I would love to send him our blog and put him on our mailing list - if you give me his E-mail address I will do that for you.
Anyhow, you are a blessed soul and will do the right thing.
Take your time and let the information sink. Talk to Stephen and share ideas.
Min and I will answer questions - but we will tell you the truth and how you can learn more.
I love you very much and do not want to disrupt your life, but you signed up to live in then end of the era and your young eyes will see the reality you know shift into the most wonderful thing you can imagine. In 6 or 7 years, consciousness on the planet will have shifted and a magnificent reality awaits us all.
Love you,
There was a time when I felt that I knew much more than I ever wanted to know. I wondered what my responsibility was in having this esoteric knowledge. How could I know these things and not do what I could to warn people what was happening beyond our awareness. It was a question we sat with for a very long time and took into our meditations. After all, if we revealed what we knew, it would either piss people off, upset them, make us look stark raving mad and alienate us, none of which were welcome options. Yet I felt like I was privy to Hitler’s plan and I had a choice between saving as many people as I could from the gas chambers or simply saving my own sorry little ass. How could I keep quiet? Well as you now know, I can’t keep quiet. So I am about waking people up to news that isn’t good. But in the end, both Paul and I believe as do many others that the general state of consciousness will shift on the planet as the few who are already fast at work expanding their worldview will raise the level of consciousness for everyone on the planet. It is like the twelve monkey story. When a certain number of monkeys learn a new skill, all the rest of the monkeys suddenly have the same ability. It works like a morphic field. Read Rupert Sheldrake’s work if you want to know more about this. So we believe that probably by about the year 2016, all the people on the planet will be living cooperatively in peace, with open minds and different values. No one will be satisfied to have more than another while someone goes without. But between now and then, there is a lot of change that must take place and much suffering and loss. It will likely not be a pretty picture as so many people have a lot to lose to come from a survivalist mindset, looking out for themselves and their small circle of family and friends to caring for all of humanity as themselves.
There are deep issues to contemplate in all of this. Dualism separates everything into pairs of opposites. Good verses bad, in verses out, up verses down, for everything an opposite scenario. But not one of them can exist without the other, one creates the other. With this in mind, we have been asking ourselves about the role the Illuminati plays. Are they there as an antagonist to force the development of consciousness on the planet? Is all this evil actually necessary? I sure don’t like the sound of that, but I can’t help wondering if it is all part of the grand design to shift consciousness from where its been programmed to go to where it needs to be for all of us to live together in peace.
I don’t pretend to have any answers, but I sure have lots of questions. Paul happens to be really good at finding information and we both have very open minds, so even though we don’t like what we are learning, our quest for knowledge is insatiable. And we like to ponder……
So dear ones, should you like to discuss, question, have a shoulder to cry on even have a constructive argument (though I really detest arguments) we are here to listen and give whatever feedback we can.
I can’t really say what the future holds. I will likely continue to share with you whatever I happen to be contemplating at the moment.
The Brazilian People
Today I resumed watching a video series about the Brazilian people. One of the activities I like to engage in is listening to Portuguese dialogue while reading the subtitles in English. It helps me with learning the language at the same time I learn about the content of the film. I’ve been hearing about Darcy Ribeiro’s take on the history of Brazil. He describes the three different influences that have created the people who populate the country today, the Indians, Africans and Portuguese. He asserts that when the three cultures mixed they created a people with no identity that would not be acknowledged any longer as being African or Indian or European and that children born into these mixed cultures were therefore nobody. As I sit with this and contemplate what he’s saying, I remember times when I’ve heard this very thing, that the Brazilian people think they are nobody and that when a foreigner comes and treats them as if they are someone, they really respond and blossom. This surprised me when I heard it the first time because it was unfathomable to me to consider that anyone would treat another human being as if they were no one and unworthy of respect or acknowledgement. I can no longer see the difference between one person and another and wouldn’t consider treating someone without respect. But it leads me to wonder about even deeper issues around identity. It seems we cling to our identities and when they come into question we have “identity crises.” Who am I, we ask? I was just asking that question myself not too long ago. But it also seems that in the midst of the unknowing, the ego loosens its grasp and allows us to change and become something we didn’t know ourselves to be prior to the confusion. From nothing, everything becomes possible. From no one, anyone becomes possible? Ribeiro asserts that this is what makes the Brazilian people so creative.
I’ve often marveled at the musical and artistic ability of the Brazilian people and at their capacity for caring and love. I’ve also felt a lack of division among racial and cultural differences as if there was no dividing line between them. I suppose I understand now why it felt this way to me. Some people like to argue this point with me and insist there are class differences determined by the lightness and darkness of people’s skin color. But honestly, I can’t get that. What I feel is an acceptance among everyone and a failure to separate one person from another based on any differences.
Now I don’t necessarily get the same feeling from the Europeans who have settled in this place. Perhaps they do feel separate, in fact twice I have heard someone say that are looking for other Europeans (or Americans) to live in their designed communities, not Brazilians, however they don’t hesitate to hire a Brazilian for security, establishing them in a small house near the gate. Not cool, to me. Nothing will change as long as people continue to hold others as separate from themselves.
Sorry. I’m not happy to sound as if I am delivering moral lectures. I apologize. Just rambling on as thoughts occur to me.
Paul just called to me to come and look out the window. He spotted a group of small monkeys outside the window on the vine that grows between our yard and the neighbors. I’ve often thought there should be monkeys in the huge mango tree just on the other side of the fence, but until today we’ve never seen any here in Alto Paraiso. What joy! I do love the monkeys. We went outside with a banana hoping to entice them closer and offer them a bite to eat, but they were busy on their way, using the tree limbs as highways on their way to somewhere else. We stood and watched as they crossed the street through the trees and continued on their way out of sight.
Well my friends, I believe I’ll end this newsletter for today in the hopes you are still enjoying reading it and that I haven’t once again alienated myself from any of you whom I hold so dear. The sky is clouding over again, thinking about more rain, while I myself have thoughts of ice cream……
Until next time, we send our love