February 17, 2010
I’m sitting in my hammock in the upstairs room which feels like a tower, with a window on each of the four walls that looks out over the landscape in every direction. Actually as I’m describing it I feel a bit like Rapunzel. The rain is tingling upon the ceramic tile roof creating a special kind of music. We’ve all just returned from a week long road trip which we decided on spontaneously the day before leaving last Wednesday. We were sitting on our porch with our friend Niarco, looking at some links on Triguerino’s website, when we discovered the information about a place called Serra do Roncador. You can read what we did below if you like- translated by Google translator…. Or click on this link to see a couple pictures- particularly the one of the bat: http://
Serra do Roncador is in an area of steep and rugged topography located in the middle of the Amazon rainforest in Mato Grosso, extending from the municipality of Barra do herons to the Serra do Cachimbo, in Pará State, the name "grunt" comes from the fact that the wind passing by the rocky walls at night, producing a bass sound that resembles the roar of a sleeping person.
Mysticism - Serra do Roncador, is an area highly valued by followers of mystical beliefs. It was there that, looking for the lost civilization of Atlantis, Colonel Percy Fawcett disappeared mysteriously, giving rise to many legends. It is believed that humans have evolved underground cities whose entrances are hidden in the middle of the mountain. The middle of the mountain is a lake called the "portal". This pond is mysterious because it has very clear water and has no living being within it. According to the esoteric belief, one must delve into this pond to get access to Atlantis. Another approach would be a huge rock crystal, clear and perfectly round, measuring 10 meters in diameter. The ancestors of the Xavante Indians used this rock as a mirror.
Mystics founded the "Monastery of theurgic Roncador," and they believe that there exists a portal, and that when there is alignment of stars, the portal is open, allowing entry. In this "world" people are highly developed, both spiritually and technologically and survive because there is an inner sun that illuminates the center of the earth. The sun measures 960 km and one day some of these beings saw the land to take possession.
People underground in the Serra do Roncador
The existence of intraterrestial beings who live inside the earth, the Serra do Roncador, in Barra do herons, MG, has attracted UFO and esoteric world, since the expeditions of the Royal British artillery, Colonel Fawcett in 1919
Installed in the region are Sixteen representatives of important mystical communities looking for contacts and signs of people underground, the survivors of Atlantis who disappeared and the Incas in Peru. Now being advertised through the book "My Life with a Vestal," Leo Doctlan, ed. Sananda, so that the desired connection with the underworld was done for 4 decades. And that to convey his teachings, the Masters of the Empire of Duat "an emissary prepared, physically and psychologically, from its 9 years.
The 'Vestal' lives protected by her guardian and husband, in Barra do herons, which instructs the first 7 started, following the instructions channeled his master. The belief in the underworld, inhabited by beings special and very advanced, it is common to almost all religious philosophical traditions, from anywhere in the world. In the last 15 days a group of Buddhist monks returned to Japan after a homage to the sacred symbol "Vestal and her husband, Sr.Armando Luvison, as the true guardians of the Serra do Roncador.
The mountain, which begins in bar of herons and extends to the Pará, is full of caverns and caves with prehistoric inscriptions, large galleries with stalactites, stalagmites and underground lakes of deep blue water limestone. One of these caves, near the Rio das Mortes, between parallels 14 and 15, is indicated in the book as the entrance to the underground city, where the girl was comduzida when he was 17. After having been subjected to a process of molecular change and mental records, called the abduction, it was revealed that his mission would end with the formation of 7 students and could go back and live with them.
THE intraterrestre originate from the sun
The book of Leo Doctlan, reveals that the inhabitants of Duat are remancescentes the Incas and the Atlanteans. Doctlan explains that the Incas are children of the mating of the inhabitants of the Sun with women Atlanteans, whose elite was enviaviada on ships to Machu Picchu in the Andes, Peru. Predicting the fall of the Inca Empire, some people went to the pockets of the Earth's interior, where there were the remnants of Atlantis, after leaving it before its destruction, 8 million years ago. These beings claim to have a structure different atomic physics, enabling them to live within the planet.
Léo Doctlan teaches that to achieve these people physically, we must raise the level of vibration of atoms and molecules. This is achieved through stimulation of glands located in the spleen, diaphragm and thyroid. With exercises taught directly by them and that will be the next book.
Shanbhama The book, "In Search of New Age," by Nicholas Roerich, recounts his search intraterrestre this paradise, where all Asians believe. In Prophecies it is seen as a physical place and as the arrival of a New Era, achieved without effort but only as a result of the "most noble and intense activity."
Legends and Mysteries of the Serra do Roncador
The history of the Serra do Roncador is marked by adventures, legends and mysteries, and attracts expeditions around the world. The origin of the Incan civilization, the 16th parallel, the Temple of Ibez, the path of Io, Agartha, Shamballah, the chakra of the planet, the Portal of Aquarius, extinct volcanoes, fossils of dinosaurs and flying saucers are attractive to scientists, curious and mystics everywhere. The city is known worldwide as mystical and metaphysical sanctuary.
The Serra do Roncador spans an area of over a thousand kilometers, and has several archaeological sites yet unexplored by researchers.
Mystics founded the "Monastery of theurgic Roncador," and they believe that there exists a portal, and that when there is alignment of stars, the portal is open, allowing entry. In this "world" people are very developed, both spiritually and technologically and survive because there is an inner sun that illuminates the center of the Earth.
Some UFO researchers believe that the Serra do Roncador is the ideal place to make contact with extraterrestrials. There is the "Core Araguaia Ufology Research of Roncador, which always held vigils.
These are some of the questions that scholars try to answer:
Intraterrestre: According to the theories, are survivors of Atlantis and the Inca Empire. Both civilizations, foresaw disaster and losses, and decided to take refuge inside the earth. They are a people self-sufficient, with a large population and a high degree of mental and spiritual development.
Do they really exist? If there are, never visit? We can make contact? We live there too?
Cave of Pezinhos: Through a trail state park of the Blue Mountain, one arrives at the cave entrance, blocked by rocks. In this entry, both the walls and ceiling, several brands of footprints of animals and human, many of them with 6 fingers.
What do they mean? How they got on the walls and ceiling? Would footprints or markings? Why visitation is restricted by the Aeronautics?
Portals in Roncador: According to legend, there are many tunnels under Brazil, which is open to the surface. The most famous of them is in the Serra do Roncador. The opening of the tunnel is protected by the Xavante Indians, do not allow the approach of strangers.
What would be the portals of Roncador? Where are they? Where are you taking? Why do so many seek Atlantis or Shamballah the Roncador? What would be the crystal skulls that some people seek?
Enchanted Lagoon: The lagoon is in Indian territory and is very deep. Despite the immense amount of water, there is no life in it. It is located at the entrance of a cave, also very deep and unexplored. The Indians do not enter the pond by fear and the cave, only the chief is authorized, for they say that is inhabited by humans.
Who were these beings? Because no form of life survives in the pond? Because the Indians guarding the entrance to this cave?
Cave Dry: A large initial chamber opens into several tunnels and other cameras. One of these chambers houses a furniture stone very interesting, similar to modern. Another of them has at its center a formation of stalactites and stalagmites in the shape of huge tree, with a sort of parlor at the top and a tunnel you can not get to the end, because any form of lighting used is not quenched.
Who lived there? Where is the tunnel?
Col. Percy Fawcett: They say he was in the Roncador and found some. His great-nephew, Timothy Fawcett, was twice for tracking the paths of great-uncle, through stories of letters sent to his wife Nina. Timothy said that the official reports of Fawcett were different to mislead, and that the family knows the truth. At the end of your search, Timothy said that the last vestige of the great-uncle was in Cave Seca. What happened to Fawcett? Where was it? What would have discovered? What to tell their stories to the family? S. Stone S. Arraya, The stone which is now on display at the Port Pioneer has to do with the founding of the city, settled by prospectors attracted by the story of a bottle of diamonds buried under it, the bed of the Rio Araguaia, by miners who escaped from a attack of Indians. When they returned to check the bottle, the river was fuller and wrote in stone the name of one of them, for easier searching later. Interestingly, when the stone was removed from the river to be exposed, several other brands have been observed much earlier, several concentric circles, as the stones of Inca shrines. These marks exist in other stones in the river, in the same place where this stone was removed.
Who made the entries? Why? What connection do Araguaia with the Incas?
Indian tribes: The Xavante protect the region and consider themselves guardians of the "holy land". They speak for fear of great balls of fire in the sky or beams of light illuminating the sky of the village at night.
Why do they consider themselves protectors of the holy land? I wonder what they have seen and witnessed? What are these balls of fire? What kind of equipment would appear at night in remote areas?
Stones in disc format: Why in places where there are more instances appear several stones in the form of diskettes? What is its significance? How formed?
You can reach the Serra do Roncador in three cities: Bar Herons (MT), Aragarças (GO) and Pontal do Araguaia (MT).
Mysterious Lights
Lights flying in and out in the Serra do Roncador, move to the land of the descendants of Atlantis, or to another dimension, are some of the mystery and mysticism that attract tourists from Brazil and abroad will know that the municipality of Barra do Garcia, 516 km from Cuiabá, in Mato Grosso.
The Serra do Roncador is the cradle of all the legends and stories mystics. It gets the name because the Roncador against the wind with rocks produces a sound scary. However, some locals say the sound is coming from inside the earth, as others who are the sound of UFO that plague the region. The mountain has an altitude of 600 m and more than 1 thousand km long, starts in Mato Grosso and goes to the State of Pará
The numerous UFO reports and mystical inspiration, 12 years ago, Councilman Valdon Varjão create the Municipal Law No. 1840, enacted by former Mayor Vilmar Faria Peres on September 5, 1995 for the creation of a reserve with five acres for the construction of an airstrip in UFOs, the Discoporto State Park of Serra Azul, near the Serra do Roncador.
However, he has not been built the airport alien. What exist are painted panels and a spaceship made with steel plates that adorn the site to visitors. In addition, there are no records of visits by extraterrestrial beings in space for the Discoporto.
For the psychologist, president of the Mato Grosso of UFO research and Psychic (AMPUP) and consultant of the magazine UFO, Ataíde Ferreira da Silva Neto, Discoporto has the potential tourist attraction. "The councilman Valdon Varjão took the stories involving the region, embraced the cause and the law that created the space intended for the construction of Discoporto. He was called crazy and insane. But, thanks to him, Herons Bar was featured in the media, people around the world are coming to town in search of stories and reports, "says the psychologist.
Ataíde Ferreira commented that the news of Discoporto meant that the city received large influx of visitors, researchers and enthusiasts seeking information on UFOs. Interest in the subject so much that the city has many alternative communities as the Monastery theurgic Roncador, Sunrise Valley, Valley of Dreams, Rosa Cruz, Trigueirinho, Asociación Pro Evening Foundation, among others.
The name of the Sierra is due to meet the strong wind in the region with immense walls rise to a sound that resembles a continuous roar, and even scares some ignorant if they are alone in the middle of the night. It consists of plateaus, as a typical plateau, starting in the town of Bar reservoir, 500 km from Cuiabá, and extending to the Serra do Cachimbo in Para The place is an invitation to practice adventure due to its natural beauty.
It is a region with nearly 600 feet high and more than 800 km long, where you can closely observe the cerrado, in soils with impressive rock formations and numerous caves and caverns with large galleries, stalactites, stalagmites and rock inscriptions, and underground lakes of a blue color pool.
It has a rich biodiversity with many types of animals, such as colorful amphibians, beetles, mammals, birds and unique types of plants. His mountain, like canyons, divides the waters of the rivers Araguaia and Xingu.
The Serra do Roncador is located in Central Brazil shrouded in legend and mystery as the appearance of flying saucers. Each year an increasing number of people who come to this region for contact with spaceships from other planets and extraterrestrials.
Serra do Roncador is considered by many scholars and mystics, as the birthplace of the Fifth Empire (already granted to the people of Atlantis), a period ruled by etheric forces in the future, will mark a new era in which spirituality takes precedence over the goods materials.
Members of the League Eubiótica - Brazilian community mystical specialized in studying and explain the great mysteries of humanity - warn that Brazil and abroad should look to Brazil as the centerpiece of a new civilization on Earth.
The existence of intraterrestre beings living within the Earth, in the Serra do Roncador, in Barra do herons, has attracted UFO and esoteric world since the expeditions of the Royal British artillery, Colonel Fawcett in 1919.
Sir Percival Fawcett, British explorer, lost in the Serra do Roncador, in Barra do herons, looking for a "lost city" of the people of Atlantis in the interior of Brazil. It is assumed that his disappearance is more related to the tribes of the region than with a possible discovery of a civilization Intraterreno. Anyway, Fawcett, his son and his boots disappeared in the Roncador and it has not been found.
It is known that the Roncador tunnel opening is guarded too tightly by the Xavante Indians, do not allow the approach of strangers. Indians Bats also keep those openings that supposedly give access to underground cities is home to a people of another dimension within the Earth.
An American explorer named Carl Huni, wrote in his diary when he visited the Roncador: "... The entrance of the cave is guarded by the Indians bats, which are dark and small but of great physical strength . Their sense of smell is more developed than the best hunting dogs. Even if they approve it and let you enter the caves, I fear that will be lost to this world, why keep the secret very carefully and can not allow those who can come out ... "
"... The Indians bats live in caves and come out at night to the forest but not in contact with the people who inhabit an underground city in which they form a self-sufficient community with a sizeable population. It is believed that the underground cities in which they live were built by the Atlanteans ...".
This is the great mystery surrounding the Serra do Roncador and attracts both scholars on the subject, as tourists from Brazil and the world.
Natural attractions:
• Finger of God - massive vertical wall and one of the main attractions of the place. The site is assigned to observation of flying saucers.
• Waterfall Pé da Serra - is home to many birds, has two sources, one of cold water and another of hot water.
• Waterfall of the Swallows - has 30 meters of free fall provide a beautiful sight to tourists.
• Cave of Pézinhos - One of the legends of the Roncador is that, in the region, lived in a six-fingered people, biology called polydactyly. On the walls of this cave you can see inscriptions in bas-relief figures like feet with six toes. It will be the proof of the existence of such people?
• Stone Bridge - There are two huge rock blocks that join at the tip forming a sort of bridge. Between the blocks there is a large opening with almost 250 feet high. According to some esoteric would be a gateway to the world of Intraterreno, and also a place of observation records voadores.É still considered by a powerful mystical power place where there are demonstrations of raw earth (the earth). The truth is that the same place makes a nice visual of all the Valley of Dreams.
If you’ve read all the way through the above, poorly translated but intriguing to say the least, you might understand why we decided to go visit this place and see for ourselves what mysteries we could find. It was an unusual group, Paul and I, retired Gringos, Niarco, a small mocha skinned man, the child of a gypsy mother, Paulisto father and grandson of an indigenous Indian, who looks very much himself to be purely indigenous, a young Argentian woman with one long dreadlock, a baby who looks more like her Columbian daddy than her mother and a small terrier. The six of us traveling in a little white 4 door Chevy arrived in the Serra do Roncodor after a day and a half of driving late in the evening just before dark. We arrived at the first small town, called Valley of Dreams, beyond the big city of Barra do Garcas, located perhaps 45 minutes beyond, to find the lights of a bus station, grocery store and luncheonette and inquired about the location of a nearby hotel or pousada, only to be told, this was it. Exhausted from a 12 hour drive that day, we drove around the back to a tiny room with 2 bunk beds – perfect for the 6 (including the baby and the dog) of us to sleep for the night after Niarco treated Paul and I to a Shiatsu massage, while the skies opened up and the rains poured down through the night.
I just found the following excerpt I wrote that day while riding along:
Feb 11
On our way to Serra do Roncodor. Arrived in Barro do Garcia now looking to find the alternative communities which are located here by the portal to the intraterrestial center. Traveling with Niarco, Uta, Olivia, Rocket and Paul, we’ve overtaken our turn north into what we think is the territory we are in search of. We’ve been driving for 10 ½ hours today, including of course a few stops to eat, pee and smoke- stretch our legs, unrattle our bodies from the bumpy road….. Yesterday we drove for 5 hours and stopped to spend the night in Pirenopolis. Fantastic travels; we are all staying very light and happy. The baby and the dog are great traveling companions. Though parts of the day have been excessively hot, the air is cooling now as we have entered the mountain range and the time nears 7pm. The vistas have been spectacular. There are so many Buritis here, a type of palm tree, new to me and now one of my favorites. Everywhere you see them you know for sure there will be water….
It’s 9:30pm. The five of us are in a hotel room. It’s a tiny room, just big enough for two bunk beds and space in the middle for one of the mattresses off the bunk where Niarco is giving Paul a shiatsu massage. Uta, Olivia and I have just come back from the shower next door and the two of them are on the bunk above mine where they are chattering away in baby language trying to get Rocket’s attention. Rocket is carefully watching Paul to make sure Niarco isn’t hurting him.
So we arrived at the town along the highway where the serra do roncodor begins at the southernmost point and took the wrong road through town continuing west rather than turning north
In the morning we waded through the mud to the plastic tables and chairs so common to the outdoor cafes located all throughout this country for a coffee before continuing on our way to explore the Roncodor. Not twenty minutes further up the road we pulled over to take a few pictures of some amazing rocks when we noticed the sign telling us we were at the Portal to the Roncador and returned to the car to enter the gate. Standing at the entrance, my eye caught the unusual sight of a huge rock with trees growing from it, upon which was suspended a white wrought iron garden chair minus it’s legs, with a view to the two vertical rocks which guarded the entrance to a long stone mountain. We waited while our one Brasileiro went to find someone to talk to. We found it easier throughout our travels to wait behind while Niarco scouted for information since he among us was the only native Brazilian. Some minutes later he returned with a very pleasant looking man, dressed in khaki pants and a collared polo shirt – quite unexpected in this part of the world. We were all invited in to a beautiful reception room and spent the next hour talking and getting acquainted before we were then given a tour of the buildings and later the forest and then continued to climb a path leading nearly to the top of the mountain. All this unfolded rather spontaneously and with such ease that my surprise to find myself suddenly on a rather steep rock face confronted by a rope encased in pvc piping as a handle by which to traverse a surface I might otherwise have declined if I’d known in advance. My friend Uta, walking in flip flops, alternately carrying her not yet two year old daughter and holding her hand as we all climbed the mountain, was not the least bit concerned or deterred at the prospect. As we walked this path through the most exotic landscape of trees and flowers and insects and other living things, the likes of which I had never seen even in story books, let alone imagined, we traversed areas where the water cascaded off the sheer rock walls hundreds of feet above our heads, a puddle the size of a small pond of bat guano, fossilized rocks and crystals and so much more now I can hardly remember to recount for you. Every few feet, Uta and I stopped to examine some new plant we’d marvel at in its magnificence, while the men were busy talking and covering ground at a much faster pace. At the top, just beyond the sheer sloping rock where I had a moment of vertigo induced panic watching Paul climb to the place I’d just gotten to, I found a shady nook to rest in while the others continued around a narrow ledge to the other side for a different view, choosing to regain my sense of tranquility and enjoy my vantage point. Paul as well chose to wait behind.
(It’s absolutely pouring rain! Droplets are coming in through my open windows. The sky has gone white. Only a few minutes ago it looked so pleasant I almost left my tower to go enjoy the back porch. Glad now I didn’t! The rest of the house is so quiet. I think they are all napping)
On the return trip down the mountain, Paul, Uta, Olivia and I were lagging behind as Niarco led the way down and was as usual quite a bit in advance of us. He moves at a much more rapid pace and moves like a young agile child even though he has forty years. (This is how age is referred to in this language. One is asked how many years they “have.” I like this so much! It distinguishes that it is not what we are, but what we have.) Our host and guide had quickly descended the mountain to try to catch some other visitors he’d been expecting whom he’d spotted from the mountain top, saying he’d return to lead us down. But Niarco had no trouble stepping in as our guide as he has done many times before. However with Niarco well in advance, the rest of us were alerted first by Rocket who barked at the sound of possible danger, as is his job. Moments later we heard the sound we’d read about, a hauntingly wild rumble of a noise – not what Paul will say is like the sound of any wind he’s ever heard in his 65 years, nor really the sound of a wild animal’s growl or grumble – but a mysterious sound like something coming from underground. We all looked at one another to inquire, was that what we thought it was, what we’d read about? Indeed we all agreed it was.
The trip down the mountain which at first was a bit harrowing, traversing that sheer rock by means of nearly rappelling, holding the sliding PVC piping which encased a wire cable. Watching Uta hand the baby down to Niarco was almost more than I could take. I couldn’t watch Paul do it and I myself was very frightened, but only suffered the scratching of my glasses which toppled from their perch, tucked into the collar of my shirt, onto the rock. But that was only a moment of rushing adrenaline while the remainder of the descent was quite pleasantly delightful. So many unusual things to see at every turn!
Before I continue with my story, I just want to share this link with you: http://www.irdin.org.br/
As you may have guessed, I’ve gone away from my computer for a few minutes and mentally left my topic, but in the course of restarting, I’ve remembered something I 1want to tell you. Though we didn’t see any of these bats with human faces, like the picture in the link I just added above before the translation, we did see something rather unusual. We saw a rather good sized lizard, maybe 10 to 12 inches in length, with the face of a bat! I kid you not. We saw it while we waited at the top, near what could be an entrance to the underground…
Continuing with my story….When we returned to the bottom it was nearing the middle of the day, perhaps close to four. All of us were quite hungry and with the two available restaurants past closing time for lunch, we drove into town with the guide who offered us the use of his kitchen to prepare a meal. We’d decided to spend the night in one of his chalets. He knew of a good place for swimming and offered to show us before we headed back. Driving through the small village, we criss-crossed the dirt lanes of the neighborhood, eventually turning down a long dirt lane through what looked to be someone’s farm, ending on a narrow lane bordering a good sized lake filled with Buriti trees. This now is my new favorite tree. It is a type of palm tree, which to me, epitomizes the tropical landscape. I love it. What we didn’t know was that the water here is thermal. The lake was filled with both cool streams of water and hot currents, making it a combination of warm and cool as you move through it. On the far side of the lake, Buriti trees were submerged in the water creating a small circle of earth on which to sit, resting your back against the bamboo-like trunk. The water around them was quite deep so I had to heave myself up onto the small base, with a little help from my friend Niarco who rested against the other side. On the far shore where our car rested in the shade of a tree, the others gathered at the edge, taking turns watching Olivia and Rocket who both wanted very much to swim, but had only a small shallow place where they could stand in the water before it dropped off to a deeper sandy bottom. Our guide stopped to talk with an elderly couple, his friends whose land this lake sat upon. Waved back by the others who were ready to leave, Niarco and I quickly swam the distance back to the shore, where we joined the others to return to the portal.
By this time it was nearing dusk while Uta, Paul and I began to prepare the meal which was no longer lunch but now dinner in a somewhat primitive kitchen, during the course of which candle light was called for. Maurinho and Niarco sat outside in conversation and were joined by a small group of men while we cooked. As darkness came, the group of men joined now by Paul wandered off on a walk, leaving us to complete the cooking by candlelight. Completely dark when they returned, now well after 8 or perhaps 9, Marinho came and rigged up solar light inside the kitchen, carrying the candles to the porch where he carried a cattle transport section of a pickup truck to use as a base for a table, placing several planks of wood across the top, another plank of wood resting upon two chairs as a bench for the group of us to sit on, along one side of the table. Assuming the newly arrived group would stay for dinner, perhaps other guests of the portal, we prepared as much food as we could to feed the large group, but upon learning we were vegetarians, they declined the offer and departed – likely in search of what they considered to be real food for dinner- though possibly simply to be polite and not impose.
February 19, 2010
It was a good meal in the shadow of the Roncador where the kitchen rested at the foot of the mountain – though by this time we were in complete darkness save the light from the candles and the solar generated electric light coming from the kitchen. Niarco washed up all the dishes in the tiny stream of water coming sporadically from the makeshift plumbing to the little sink on the porch facing the mountain and seemed quite content in the process though the time it took was fatiguing for the rest of us who longed for the bed and sleep. But at the end, after declining the viewing of a historical video, our host accompanied us to the dark chalet where he brought the battery which was providing light to the kitchen to our cabin, rigged it up and left us with some light to settle in for the night. Niarco stayed behind to visit a little longer, heading off afterwards to a different room for the night.
We slept that night under an open window, listening to the sounds of the Roncador, hoping to hear more of the unusual noises of the afternoon and wishing for dreams that might reveal something more. I awoke just as the sun was appearing over the horizon through the window and spent a little time in meditation before the others awakened. The other guests we’d been told would be arriving came in around midnight so we were not surprised to see a large group on the porch of the kitchen house that morning as we all gathered on the little porch of our chalet just before breakfast. Our plan at that point was to drive further up into the Roncador valley where there was a community of Xavante Indians. Niarco had been given the name of the chief by an acquaintance he encountered at the gas station leaving Alto Paraiso and then again the day before while we had coffee at the bus station. There a busload of Xavante Indians had disembarked and one of the men sought out Niarco to inquire what tribe he was from. The face of this man was so beautiful in the raw indigenous quality of his features, so different from our white skinned Caucasian ones. He wore a small bone through his ear, making him look almost foreboding, though he dressed no different than a Florida golfer. All the people from this tribe who disembarked from the bus were striking in their appearance, but dressed no differently than the stylish mode of the rest of the Brazilians of the day. But I digress….
Over cafe de manha (breakfast) we discussed a bit our plan for that day when we declined an invitation to join the others on a hike to a waterfall, relaying our intention to visit the Xavantes and ask permission to visit the enchanted lake where one of the entrances to the underground civilization was supposedly located. It was then that Maurinho told us of others who had gone before us only to encounter unpleasant consequences. He told that there are many chiefs, not only one, who require a lot of money from the visitors who wish to enter the region where the lake is located, each charging R$1000. While people are there their belongings are stolen. Apparently they can be very aggressive. As we listened to his story, the other guests who were there from Brasilia and spoke English confirmed for me what I thought I understood in his story which was told to us in Portuguese. Perhaps I have not yet mentioned the fact that our dear friends who we travel with speak very little English. We communicate with a combination of Spanish, Portuguese and English, but more through the intention of being understood and with the help of body language and facial gestures. So hearing a confirmation in English of what I thought I understood was quite helpful. It took little time and discussion to change our plans, opting for safety and tranquility over the danger of exploration.
What I’ve yet to mention is a revelation that occurred in yesterday’s interactions. Many people who we meet along our way ask us and sometimes ask our friends who are more able to communicate, why we are here. Yesterday Niarco was the one to speak on our behalf. He explained that ours was not the typical eco-tourist journey, but in a sense a spiritual quest, what he referred to as “buscar” searching….. He further explained a dream that Paul had recently had in which he was repeatedly given the message, one-two-three…not the second, wait for the third. This message was repeated several times. We questioned what third thing? Third location for land, third spiritual path, what? When Maurinho heard this dream he told us about three special places: the Chapada dos Veadeiros where we currently live, the Serra do Roncodor and the Chapada dos Guimares. These he said were the very special places of energy on the planet, located here on the 14th parallel. Immediately when Paul heard of this third place, he wanted to leave the Roncodor to visit this third chapada. It too would be the third of the chapadas, since we had previously visited the Chapada Diamantina last January. When we learned of the danger of visiting the indigenous people, his immediate thought was to leave the Roncodor and visit the third chapada which we were told was close by. Although we had left home with the intention of taking a three or four day trip, returning in time for Monday morning’s yoga class, this new piece of information was compelling and since we had driven so far to come to this place, it made good sense to drive a little further to see Guimares. It was a bit of a surprise later to discover that Guimares was not what we would consider to be “close by” as we drove hours and hours to arrive well after dark in the chapada which was completely booked up save one little room because this was the long weekend of Carnival.
Niarco went ahead to negotiate the room, abstaining from giving the complete information that we traveled not just as 4 adults but also had a baby and a dog, so we quietly and subversively snuck the two of them in after 2 mattresses had been brought into the tiny room with 2 twin beds. It was late and beginning to rain quite hard and for all we knew there was nothing left vacant in town for the holiday weekend. Not what we would ordinarily consider to be adequate accommodations but when on an adventure such as this, one must make compromises.
The next morning after showers, packing up and café de manha, we went to town in search of some friends of Maurinho who were followers of Trigueirinho. The town was filled with tourists and a huge pavilion was set up in the middle of the praca for the Carnival celebrations. While we waited behind for Niarco to find the address of these friends, the rest of us strolled through town to check it out. A meeting was arranged for later in the day to speak with a small group of Trigueirinho’s people. So we drove out of town in search of a quiet place to grab some lunch and found a restaurant at the entrance to a cave, but only had just enough time to eat before our meeting. The afternoon led to a long discussion at the house of a Japanese woman and her 85 year old mother with a few other people including one woman who was nearly 7 foot tall (I kid you not) who had once lived in Figuera, the community where Trigueirinho lives and works in Minas Gerais, a state south of here closer to Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. It was she who extended an invitation to spend the night at her house. Another man then took us to meet some other friends who lived in a small community of foreigners from around the world. Arriving at a large and very beautiful house just outside of town but on a lane surrounded by dense and exquisite tropical forest (mata) filled with monkeys and other exotic wildlife, we encountered a man I found to be fascinating. His house was filled with incredible Persian rugs and as I remarked on their beauty he regaled me with stories and showed me his collection, taking me downstairs to another room filled with more. In his bookcase he showed me books by Meyer Baba and told of knowing and working with Timothy Leary and others of equal notoriety whose names now escape my memory. While I was busy being impressed and fascinated, Paul was feeling contempt for the excessive wealth and presumptive privilege with which some live while others go without. His attention to the unbalance and poor distribution of wealth create such contempt inside him that he loses compassion for those who live in pursuit of more wealth and the acquisition of finer things. I feel torn at moments like this because I know and understand both worlds and feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in a world of more wealth. A part of me feels as if it belongs, while I agree with Paul at the immense error in this distribution. He would say and can back up the fact that if all the wealth in the world were distributed evenly, there is not a person in the world who would not have way more than enough of everything. While 10% of the world’s population has 90% of the wealth, with really 2% holding most of it, the rest of us are sharing the remaining 10%....and so many are living in poverty, starving. But I am not here to discourse on this right now.
After a couple hours of interesting discussion, we continued to the house of our host for the night, who as I mentioned is a strikingly beautiful very tall woman. She had dinner waiting for us and encouraged us to make ourselves comfortable. Two others were there as well using her place as a location for camping during the festivities of Carnival. A meeting had been set up for the following morning for an interview with the people of Figuera, the community of Trigueirinho, but this night we were enjoying the rustic charm of her house in the mata.
The next morning we headed off to this interview which I misunderstood to be something completely different. Niarco had been planning to film a mini series documentary, interviewing or rather in conversation with different people about the search we are all on and the various different paths in this very changing time. I thought this to be one of these segments so I was surprised to find out that what was scheduled to take place was an interview of us to determine if we should be given access to visit Figuera in Minas Gerais and live in the community working with Trigueirinho. Now I must preface this all by saying that though I have been very interested in knowing more about Trigueirinho and the work he is doing, I am not prepared to go there without knowing more other than to visit and learn what I can. Certainly we both considered that Figuera might be the third place of Paul’s dream: the first being Ayahuasca which we explored in January when we came for research, the second being Spiritism and in particular Umbanda at Cidade Ecletica and now this exploration of Triguerinho and the contact with not only extraterrestrial life, but interterrestial life as well as interdimensional life. Could this be number three? But this morning we learned a few other things including the fact that this community has many rules and this for us presents a red flag, always. You see as people develop through expanding levels of development, or said another way, as consciousness expands, rules become a hindrance to development and are completely unnecessary. To live in that kind of environment now, for us, is all wrong. We were more interested in beginning our long journey home than attending an interview for a purpose we were not behind, but when we arrived this I was still unaware of. By 2pm, knowing a bit more we began our long travels, ending the day late in the evening at Cidade Ecletica to spend the night before the last 4 hour drive home. The drive this day had ended with hours of being stuck in traffic and the eye witness of a possibly fatal motorcycle accident. We were more than ready for some rest. Arriving at the hotel in Ecletica to find no one around at close to eleven pm, we drove through the gate of town to find our friend Ganeesh at his house, where he and his family were watching the Olympics on TV. It was a nice visit with Uta and Niarco getting a chance to meet our friends there and learn a little more about the community of Ecletica.
When we arrived home in Alto Paraiso the next afternoon we were a bit road weary having taken 7 days for a 4 day trip, but happy to return and rest up before our next upcoming voyage next week.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Well my friends and loved ones, here we are again in the midst of big change. I can not recall having mentioned our intention to drive Uta and Olivia home to Buenos Aires to visit their family and visit Argentina ourselves. As I write this today, I sit in the midst of my beginning to pack up the house, not just for this month long trip, but to leave the house. After much thought and debate, we’ve decided not to continue to rent this house upon our return, but to store our things with a friend and see what happens after we return. It made no sense to pay the rent on a place we wouldn’t be using and we suspect that we may be moving on when Paul returns from working in the States which he will do shortly after we return from Argentina.
My next letter may be from the road as we continue our travels through South America.
Until then, we send our love and wishes for your continued well being and joy in the life…
beijos e abracos